The Dark Side of Canada, you probably didn't know!
"Canada", is the country we all love and aspire to move in some day. Canada is truly the benchmark for many developing nations around the world. According to a joint study and survey from the U.S. News & World Report and Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Canada sits as the No.1 country in the world this year, in all aspects. The North American country relishes its multiculturalism, social justice, gender equality, and a great health infrastructure. Canada has one of the most ethnically diverse populations around the world, where multiculturalism is an aspect of their national policy. But not everything is roses for Canada, as it shares a dark history of abuse and exploitation against its "Indigenous Population" in its "Residential Schools". This story would try to unveil "the dark side of Canada", which remained hidden from the modern world for centuries.
According to several reports, Canada spends more money on educating its citizens than any of its counterpart’s. Which wilfully makes it the most educated country in the world, with 51% of its students being college graduates. It is unbelievable to think, that a country which puts such emphasis on its educational reforms and policies, Once had Schools that would harbour and nurture "Cultural Genocides". Read the full Story